Crise do Capitalismo, RecomposiÃÃo da SuperpopulaÃÃo Relativa e os Programas de AssistÃncia social: Uma reflexÃo crÃtica sobre as determinaÃÃes e estratÃgias de combate à pobreza




The theme of this dissertation concerns the current policies of social assistance in Brazil. Interest in this theme results from research performed in 2001 in regard to social assistance programs developed within the Recife Metropolitan Region; which in turn generated deeper study pointing to the problems encountered. This is a theoretical study whose objective is to advance the understanding of economic, ideological and political factors prohibiting the successful execution of Brazilian social assistance programs centered on public policies of social security. The lack of success of these programs results in current tendencies towards selection and exclusion of some individuals, with subsequent merchandising of social protection in Brazil. During this investigation, advantage was taken of the information gathered in the 2001 study, in addition to the utilization of secondary data from official documents and research institutes. The bibliographic references cover a wide range of information comparing classic and contemporary elaborations examining the development and crises of capitalism as they affect society, especially at the fringe areas. Particular concern is given to intervention from the Brazilian government and the significance of impoverishment resulting from capitalism. The historic confrontations through the 90Âs concerning the defense of social protection policies in Brazil is also examined in depth. Throughout the investigative process it is seen that contemporary social programs are an immediate result of a combination of factors that can be summed up in four processes: a) a movement based on capitalistic restoration that among other things, has resulted in a chronic increase in unemployment and impoverishment, primarily in Third World countries such as Brazil; b) the particularities of Brazilian capitalism that have developed a national elite extremely reactionary to base reforms capable of bringing the fruits of economic development to the lives of workers; c) the ideological direction of this anti reformist bourgeoisie in political response to the ever increasing mass of poverty stricken citizens accumulating in the country; d) the weakening of political and organization practices of Brazilian workers since the 90Âs. The study analyzes economic, ideological and political factors giving momentum to the growth of social programs directed towards combating poverty; remembering that implementation of these programs was determined by the social security project provided for in the 1988 Constitution; and are of interest to professionals, administrators and students working with current policies of social assistance and protection in Brazil


programas sociais contemporÃneos servico social assistÃncia social mercantilizaÃÃo seletivizaÃÃo proteÃÃo social

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