Creative activity as a political process at work: contributions to an environmental education transformation / A atividade criadora como processo político do trabalho: contribuições para uma educação ambiental transformadora


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This article addresses the importance of creative activity tensioned to alienated labor, whether in social relations or relations with the environment. In it, I tried to focus on the question of creative activity as a contribution to the political process of work based on the principles of an Environmental Education critical, transformative and emancipatory aimed at overcoming alienation by the proposed post-capitalist society. Brings, as a theory and methodology, a literature review of qualitative content analysis, through analytical and empirical categories, according to Maria Cecilia Minayo of selected articles from newspapers Le Monde Diplomatique Brazil and Brazil in fact. Bring clippings of reality concerning the establishment of critical citizens (as) and participatory (as) capable of individual and social transformation. The theoretical framework that contributes to the understanding of the subject and the object of research is presented, mainly from creative activity Fayga Ostrower and aesthetic education in Marly Meira, to seek relationship with critical theory and environmental education sector. Addressed the critical environmental education, transformative and emancipatory, Loureiro mainly through its demand to overcome the alienation from society that values forms of reproduction and preservation of knowledge of reality. The research provided focus on the theme of alienation in contemporary thought István Mészáros and Ricardo Antunes, as a way to address the need to question the reality historically constructed. Marx, in his time, reflects many of the problems of our modern society and with the aid of Meszaros, you can question the reality from its historicity, because it leads to Marx in a contextualized and its role in this research is to bring Marxist thought to the present. Registered, although the contribution of neo-Marxist Hardt and Negri on the constitution of what they call Empire. Likewise, I tried searching, these self-styled politically independent media, the relationship between creative activity and alienation in work, as well as their social and environmental impact as a form of non-formal environmental education in the expectation that such process can not exist without thinking subjects and complexity their relations with other subjects and the world.


psicologia do trabalho e organizacional atividade criadora trabalho alienado educação ambiental repercussões socioambientais creative activity alienated labor environmental education social and environmental repercussions

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