Controle fiscal dos preços de transferência




This work discusses a subject that has increasingly been focused on in Brazilian and foreign legal scholarship due to its relevance to international tax law and the increasingly problematic subject of transfer pricing controls. One of the main purposes of this work and that which, to a certain extent, inspired it, consists in collaborating in the evolution of the international aspect of the science of tax law, and especially in relation to the current views of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and of Brazilian law. Using an analysis that is not purely dogmatic, but aimed at the integration of the domestic and international systems, applying the tax law concepts and norms that aim to prevent capital flight and the consequent tax avoidance it causes, it aims, as a result, to establish a minimum standard of security in applying legislation combined with the terms of the international agreements signed by Brazil that regulates the taxation of company profits and the transfer pricing rules or, inversely, the adaptation of the methods proposed by that international organization to the Brazilian legal tax system. The study focuses, with rigor, on the analysis of the rules proposed by the OECD and those prescribed by Brazilian legislation, seeking to interpret them especially in the context of the need to properly evaluate their full applicability, intending to show whether they are sustained when challenged by operations that are aimed directly or indirectly at tax avoidance. It is with this aim that we present this study, which is not exhaustive in light of the methodological cut-off that was necessary, concentrating on the question of the applicability of the transfer pricing rules and finding normative contingencies that may lead to avoidance measures


direito tributario controle fiscal dos preços de transferência direito tributario transfer pricing controls comercio internacional preco de transferencia

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