Contribution for the Brazilian database to support life cycle assessment: nitrogen fertilizers. / Contribuição ao banco de dados brasileiro para apoio à avaliação do ciclo de vida: fertilizantes nitrogenados.




The main limitation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the necessity for collection a large number of representative data for the region under study. This limitation can get rounded by the construction of regional databases, or inventories of elements that are common to the life cycle of many products. Among these elements are the chemical fertilizers. In this context is inserted this doctorate thesis which presents a contribution to the Brazilian database for support LCA studies which is: the life cycle inventories of urea, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate for the Brazilian conditions. For the elaboration of inventories was necessary to get the detailed profile of nitrogen fertilizers industry in Brazil. Following, the quantified identification of the natural resources inputs and the waste dispositions associated to the fertilizers life cycle referred in this study is made. Finally, there was a discussion of main environmental aspects associated to production of the three fertilizers in Brazil. Data from urea inventory showed 45 environmental aspects. With regard to air emissions, it was found that carbon dioxide was responsible for 98.3% of the total and for the liquid effluents, the nitrogen compounds accounted for 73.5% of the total. As ammonium nitrate inventory, were found 42 environmental aspects. It was found that carbon dioxide was responsible for 79% of total emissions and in relation to liquid effluents, the nitrogen compounds accounted for 25.3% of the total. The ammonium sulfate inventory revealed the existence of 46 environmental aspects. It was concluded that carbon dioxide contributed by 99% of total emissions and the sulfur and nitrogen compounds were responsible, respectively, for 5% and 41% of all liquid effluents generated. From the results of this study becomes possible to identify opportunities for improving the environmental performance of industrial processes analyzed.


fertilizantes nitrogenados avaliação do ciclo de vida nitrogen fertilizers environmental management prevenção da poluição life cycle assessment gestão ambiental pollution prevention

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