Contribuindo para a formação humana dos adolescentes da FEBEM por meio da ginastica geral / Contributing for the humane formation of FEBEM teenagers through general gymnastics




The traditional intervention programs in the units of Fundação Estadual do Bem Estar do Menor (FEBEM) are caracterized by imposing ways of behavior socially accepted, adopting, however, restrictive and/or methods of punishment. This present study has the general objective of caracterizing and analising the situations in FEBEMs and propose in the Araraquara ? SP unit pedagogical suggestions more appropriate for the social reinsertion of adolescents, indicating an intervention program based on General Gymnastic orientation. The goal of this program consists in working the human values of social interaction (Human Formation), using as the main element the body culture of the internals. We wish this experience will go beyond the activities done, building a strong social base for the future life of the adolescents. The methodology consists in the aplication of an intervention program, using the General Gymnastic with pedagogical orientation. The method of obtaining the results is the written registration of the students impressions after every class or presentation. The results were analised, using the content analisys technique proposed by Bardin, and these results subsidize the contant remmarks in this work, contributing for possible social-educational interventions for this kind of institution


general gymnastics juvenile delinquent socialização educação reabilitação physical education ginastica delinquencia juvenil education febem educação fisica

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