Contribuições de D.W. Winnicott para a etiologia e a clínica do autismo




This dissertation comprises the results of a bibliographical study carried out on the work of D. W. Winnicott, searching for this ideas on the aetiology and clinical treatment of autism. Based on the individual maturation theory developed by said author, premised upon a change of paradigm within the psychonalysis, indicated by Loparic, endeavour has been made toward bathering together all that which Winnicott could think of and make evident in bis clinical practice in regard to lhe consequences of an interruption into such maturation in the absolut dependence stage - the experience of an unthinkable agony and the organization of defenses in the sense of invulnerability to the revivescence of said agony - autism. The focus of authors contemporary to Winnicott to this issue has been briefly observed, which permitted netriing similarities and differences in the understanding of the autistic condition. Thus, an investigation was carried out with grater emphasis on the hypothesis which relates the aetiology of autism to the enviromental failure resulting from the uncounscious hatred of the mother of her baby. This enquiry pursued Winnicott s understanding of this maternal feeling, attention being drawn to the question of abandonment during maternity and the consequent need for emotional support, the latter being considered as an initial paternal function. It was found that the reactive formations resorted to by the mother to defend herself from the feelings of hatred, insecurity, insuffiency, and others, damaging to the baby and which not only prevent the identification of the mother with the needs of the child and the nurturing of said feelings, but do also make it difficult for the surrounding ambience to perceive what is going on and thus help the mother in her maternal role. There was evidence that only the mother who had attained the condition of establishing a repressed unconscious behaviour during her individual maturation would be able to defend herself accordingly. The same would not be possible for the psychotic mother. In addition, the study endeavoured to gather together the ideas of Winnicott related to the treatment of autistic children, as well as the development of said ideas in the clinic of other professionals, particularly in Brazil


autismo winnicott, donald woods 1896-1971 -- critica e interpretacao psicologia clinica teoria do amadurecimento psicologia

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