The experience of birth in the works of D. W. Winnicott / A experiência do nascimento na obra de D. W. Winnicott




This study is a theorical research that analyzes the human birth in D. W. Winnicotts work according to his maturational process theory. Winnicott gives human birth the meaning of the place where personal experience takes place, based on the conception of a human nature with a innate psyche -soma integration tendency and the necessity of facilitating environment for that happens. The birth is thought in terms of time as states of being and continuing being that means the personal experience of feeling alive and real. Winnicott starts from the beginning of the condition of not-being to the first awaken involved in a essential aloneness that can only be provided by the facilitating environment that happens to be personal. During intra-uterine life the baby experiences states of being and some interruptions of his state of continuing being in the relation with the adapted environment and non intrusive of its quietness or somatic movement. This relationship person-environment constitutes a kind of communication called illusion of contact, because the contact occurs cause of the spontaneous necessity without breaking the continuity of being or the place where we experience the essential aloneness just because the environment keeps there to be reached out by the baby not becoming significant for the mismatch between the necessity of movement or quietness. The birth is considered one more interruption of babys continuity of being with no isolated meaning, but an experience that strengtheners the ego. Birth that takes too long to happen can become significant for the baby because it takes too long for the baby to goes back to the continuity of being and then he no longer believes in his capacity of being. The experience of birth means a structural change on the psychoanalytic concepts of birth trauma when describes birth as a non traumatic experience, on the contrary, as a good personal experience. Birth experience in Winnicotts work brings new descriptions on psychoanalysis, changing theory and clinic


psicologia psicologia fetal winnicott, donald woods -- 1896-1971 -- contribuicoes em conceito de nascimento birth experience experiência do nascimento psicologia da gestação e nascimento gravidez -- aspectos psicologicos fetal psychology trauma de nascimento desenvolvimento emocional nascimento -- aspectos psicologicos birth trauma emotional development

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