Contribuições da teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas para a consolidação de uma educação crítica e reflexiva diante da sociedade da comunicação e informação




This research was developed with twenty teachers from an educational private institution. The study had the goal of guiding the application of Jurgen Habernas thought to the classroom practice, as a consolidation proposal of an education paradigm that may be delineated through the Communicative Action. It shows a new philosophy from Habernas ideas, bringing up the concepts of communicative action, life world, system and colonization concept of life world. It discusses the educational practice and its approximation with the authors thought, offering assistance for a practice that proposes knowledge generation through the interaction among individuals by dialogue, argumentation and criticism. Using as reference the communicative rationality concept developed by Habernas, the study evaluated the potential of the communicative theory on the current education crisis as well as its perspectives and possibilities for the implementation of a creative, critical and emancipated education process. The research methodology was qualitative with a reflexive-interpretative purpose. The results have showed that the practice of a communicative action, which privileges the collective activities through the dialogue and the interaction, may exercise a significant role on the development of individuals with communicative competence and social responsibility, prepared to live the reality.


educação - filosofia educacao habermas, jürgen educadores - crítica interpretação

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