Contribuição para o projeto basico de uma celula de combustivel de eletrolito polimerico




One of the most significant recent developments in energy systems is in the area from the fuel ceils. These devices that generate electric energy combining hydrogen (or hydrocarbons) with the oxygen of the air as fortresses vectors of scientific-technological development, that aim in the sense of replace the motors to the internal combustion in the area of the transports, as well as for generate electric energy of a way c1ean and efficient, inside a news market, the from the generation distributed. The beginning from the researches from fuel cells occurred there is more of 150 years, by William Grove, but barely in the last 15 years, with the big development in the area of stuff, went that to technology in ceIls and stacks of fuel cells became promising enough in the world energy setting. It is in that context that the objective of this arises work, leading in count studies and the development of the Project Basic of an Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), beyond show some fields of action that they offer, already as commercially viable devices, and serving to society. For such, to literature specialized is consult, with the project being built from graphic software appropriated. Make also an analysis critic of the data available in the literature, enclosing Data Sheets, contained specifications of the components from the cell. This work examine the function of each component from the ceIl, describing the chemical and electrochemical reaction that occur in this reator as well as, theirs variables of project and of process. The many advancements achieved in the technological development of the PEMFC, mainly in elapse from the decade of 90, and from of the joint effort between govemmental entities and to industry of several countries, showed to commercial feasibility of those generators of energy, mainly in the automobile application. Like this, in a future immediate, the PEMFC will become reality as generators of energy of high efficiency and, of pollutants emission decrease, contributing for the development of a more committed society with the environmental impacts from the generation and consume of energy, places to its service and comfort The stacks of fuel cell should be the initial landmark from the named Age of Hydrogen


celulas a combustivel energia direta - conversão hidrogenio como combustivel energy clean hydrogen pemfc

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