Contribuição critica ao ensino de filosofia do direito de Reale : contradições teoricas, potencialidades pedagogicas e superações didaticas emancipatorias / Critic contribution ro Reale s law philosphy : teoric contraditions, pedagogic potencialities and emancipatory didatic overruns




This study aims to investigate the implications and consequences of the current Brazilian legal education with the ideas of the philosopher and jurist Miguel Reale, which the author sees as the hegemonic curriculum design legal disciplines of theoretical and cultural. The research includes a brief outline history of legal education, especially in Brazil, pointing, then basic categories of thought Reale, through the exploration of concepts such as Philosophy, Philosophy of Law (Jurisprudence), and realean three-dimensional theory of law. Finally it explores the current prevalence in the law school of practical teaching and returned to the routines at the expense of legal adoption of a model aimed at a comprehensive training, critical and emancipatory, oriented towards a theoretical and cultural degree, trying to complete research with a character not only critical, but also pro-active.


tridimensionality law filosofia direito bachelorism educação philosophy education

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