Contribuição a etiopatogenia do cancer do coto gastrico : estudo experimental




The gastric stump cancer is defmed as a carcinoma arising in the remnant stomachafier the gastric resectionperfomedto treat benign diseases. Literature revision of clinic casuistics shows that the occurrence is more frequent afier BILLROTH II reconstruction, in males and patients previously operated for duodenal ulcers. The probability of gastric stump cancer arising increases especially 20 years after the former surgery. It grows still higher 25 or 30 years afierwards, reaching 5 to 8 folds more than the no gastrectomizedpatients in the same age groups. Besides, high risk of esophageal,colorectal, pancreatic, mammary, liver and lung cancer developing in gastrectomized patients has been described. The gastric stump carcinogenesis has been attributed to several etiologies: biliopancreatic reflux, achlorhydria, hypochlorhydria, atrophic gastritis, atypical bacteria, food and environmental factors, nitrites, nitrates, N-nitroso compounds, the two different types of epitelium in the suture line and others. Detailed experimental researchs carried out, with or without carcinogenic drugs in gastrectomized animaIs, with many types of digestive transit reconstruction, has tried to show the participation and importance of the above described etiologies. The influenceof diet and the environmentalfactors have general acceptationin the literature, as responsible for the etiopathogeny of the gastric cancer in no gastrectomizedpeople. These factors involve the consumptionof nitrites, nitrates and other foods containing aminoacidessuch as arginine and proline, originating products named N-nitroso compounds. More than 200 N-nitroso compounds are known as carcinogenicto the digestivetract. Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.


gastrectomia nitritos gastroenterostomia neoplasias gastricas nitratos compostos nitrosos

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