Construção dos conceitos geométricos num contexto de formação inicial de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental




Several scientific papers denounce the abandonment of the teaching of geometry in the elementary school and one of the reasons given is the unpreparedness of the teacher. This paper analyzes, in the context of initial training, the acquisition of skills in geometry, through the analysis of the participation and written production of students from the course of Pedagogy at UnB, in the subject Education in Mathematics II. The objective of the analysis was to identify the obstacles that were present in the construction and acquisition of geometric concepts, and the necessary conditions to overcome these obstacles. During the participatory research, the researcher introduced himself into the teaching environment and took over the subject. The didactic sequences were organized in eleven activities and included the contents of Space and Form and Greatness and Measures, recommended by the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the first and second cycles of elementary school. The methodology used for the acquisition of concepts was the proposition of problem-situations, whose solution led to the invariant operative (theorems-in-action and concepts-in-action) of the subject, following the Theory of Conceptual Fields, by Vergnaud (1990). Each activity proposed contained elements that allowed the elevation of the level of geometric thinking of students, based on the theory of van Hiele (1957). After analyzing the data collected, it was noticeable the contribution of the subject for the acquisition of knowledge of the subject, pedagogical knowledge of the subject and curricular knowledge, according to the classification of Shulman (1986). Another object of analysis was the change in beliefs about Geometry, on oneself and on the learning of Geometry, arising from the development of didacticpedagogical competences.


educacao educação matemática formação de professores que ensinam matemática training teachers who teach mathematics education in mathematics aprendizagem de geometria learning geometry

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