Conhecimentos estatísticos e os exames oficiais: SAEB, ENEM E SARESP




The goal of our research was to ascertain the relations between the brazilian educational instruments (textbook, official documents and the official exams), in that it refers to the contents of the Statistics, the light of the levels statistical literacy considered by the GAL (2002) and Wild and Pffannkuch (1999). In this paper, before the search for answers, we presented the definition of statistical thought as proposed by Gal (2002) and Wild and Pffannkuch (1999), and the level of statistical literacy shown by Shamos (1995), which our research was based on. We then analyzed the official documents (PCNEM, PNLEM, PCN+ and the Curricular Guidelines for High School) and found that their recommendations benefit the development of statistical thought. Finally, following the Praxeological Organization of Chevallard (1999), we analyzed two collections of textbooks and three official exams, in order to identify the tasks, the techniques and the theoretical-technological discourse favored by them. Based on that analysis, we can infer that the textbooks allow the development of skills that enable statistical literacy on the cultural level, whereas for a good performance in the official exams it is necessary to develop abilities that enable the statistical literacy on the functional level. In view of the results presented here, it is to be expected that our pupils show difficulties in solving the statistical questions of the official examinations; however, we believe that the shaping of statistical thought is essential for statistical learning, as well as a possible way to minimize those difficulties


ensino medio pensamento estatistico high school livro didatico educacao matematica exames oficiais matematica -- estudo e ensino statistical thought official exams textbook matematica

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