Conforto térmico e iluminação natural no edifício administrativo da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos: o bloco E1 / Architecture, thermal comfort and natural illumination in the administrative building of the School of Engineering of São Carlos / USP: the E1 block




This research is an analysis of the administrative building of the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos belonging to the Universidade de Sao Paulo, from the point of view of thermal comfort and natural illumination. The process of investigation takes place in some steps: architectural design analysis emphasizing aspects related to environmental comfort (microclimate, architectural parties, implantation, materials, constructive techniques, openings, glassing, diagrams, and study schemes); application of questionnaires to users, and on-site measurements of environmental variables of thermal comfort and levels of illumination. The results were analyzed and compared, so that from the results its possible to evaluate the solutions and applied techniques related to thermal and illumination aspects, thus contributing in the development of design techniques. The objective with these techniques is obtaining environmental comfort and reduction in energy consumption in buildings with the same pattern of use, which is seen to be repeated a lot of times in buildings for administrative use, offices and schools.


conforto térmico thermal comfort e1 block bloco e1 iluminação natural natural illumination

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