AnÃlise dos princÃpios da programaÃÃo da saÃde no Projeto MunicÃpios SaudÃveis no Nordeste do Brasil: a experiÃncia de Sairà - PE




This work has the objective of analyzing how the Projeto MunicÃpios SaudÃveis do Nordeste do Brasil (Healthy Municipalities of the Northeast of Brazil Project), in SairÃ, puts Health Promotion into practice, by means of intersectorialism and social participation. To do so, semi-structured interviews were held with municipal and state managers, the communities of the municipalities and the technicians of the responsible organ for the project, which were analyzed through content analysis. From this approach, it was possible to identify the interviewees held an understanding about social participation, as in an action which happens through interaction and mobilization of a group of people interested in a common objective; which is also a matter of citizenship. The understanding about intersectorialism pointed out the capacity of working in fellowship with several sectors as well as groups of people aiming at minimizing social problems. The implementation of the proposal of the Project âMunicÃpios SaudÃveis no Nordeste do Brasilâ in Sairà is far form being an easy task, being a permanent learning and a process constant ly under construction. Furthermore, the complexity of the social problem requires several views, different ways of approaching them, joining different areas of knowledge and practices for the understanding and the integrated construction of solutions which guarantee the population a quality of life in a participative and intersectorial way. Promotion of horizontal relations was identified among fields of knowledge involved; theoretical and practical strengthening of the local development; articulation of different instances related to the area (university, government, social cooperation, professionals and community). Even though there is a positive repercussion, we should still point out the existing limits, and these lie on the understanding that the social participation and the interserctorialism are the basis for sustainability of the Project in Sairà and possibilities should, therefore, be constantly widened and recreated


saude coletiva promoÃÃo da saÃde municÃpio saudÃvel healthy municipality heath promotion participation and intersectorialism participaÃÃo e intersetorialidade

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