Conception and accomplishment of a computational model of interactive games in the context of collaborative learning. / Concepção e realização de um modelo computacional de jogos interativos no contexto da aprendizagem colaborativa




For a long time, games were associated to entertainment activities, limited to recreation. The electronic games have as pioneer Willy Higinbotham, a physicist from Brookhaven National Laboratories that created in 1958 a simple game of tennis that was implemented in an oscilloscope. Since then, some failures occurred in the acceptance of such products. However, with the advent of new virtual worlds, more interactive and visually rich, capable of providing a rich communication, the current games online multi-player become a valuable tool for practice of collaborative learning. The collaboration, per se, is a strong goal in education that needs to be encouraged and exercised. This goal needs to be encouraged and exercised by the means available. In this context, the computer games deserve a lot of attention. The increasing presence and richness of the computer games gather favorable conditions to a process of knowledge construction through effectively collaborative activities. This paper proposes a model for building collaborative games, based on the assumption that cooperation leads to peer learning. The concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) defined by Vygotsky is essential to the understanding of their ideas about the relationship between development and learning. The study of the relationship game and education, and theoretical contributions of collaborative learning were essential to the creation of the model in this dissertation. Based on this work, one can see that the collaborative games can be a good way in an attempt to subjugate the evil effects of excessive competition in this games.


educação ciencia da computacao jogos digitais digital game aprendizagem colaborativa interação education collaborative learning interaction

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