Comprometimento organizacional em condições adversas: o caso dos pesquisadores do Centro Técnico Aeroespacial. / Organizational commitment in adverse job conditions: the case of Aerospace Technical Center researchers.




From an academic point of view, we intend to clarify discrepancies between theory of organizational behavior, proposing better conditions of work to maintain the staff, and the real situation of researchers working at CTA, who remain with the organization in spite of adverse conditions. This situation is explored taking into account the three components of Meyer and Allen’s model organizational commitment. It uses a population description, and look for establishing relations between variables and facts. According to Meyer and Allen, about remain at organizations, employees with strong affective commitment remain because they want to, those with strong continuance commitment because they need to, and those with strong normative commitment because they feel they ought to do so. The results suggest that affective commitment is the most noticeable indicator of permanence at CTA. The continuance component is practically null, being even smaller the presence of the normative one. The relation between these components forms patterns of organizational commitment, which are related with two educational characteristics: number of published works and school of graduation. Thus, identifying the kind of organizational occur in adverse job condition and emphasizing what do not happen in examined situation, it permits to expand the knowledge in this field of studies and allow a better evaluation of the individual-work relationship, indicating routes for future actions, both in academic and in business environment, beyond to arouse a interest to detail, in others, the obtained results in this researcher.


turnover human resource aeroespacial organizational behavior organizational commitment researchers comprometimento organizacional rotatividade comportamento organizacional aerospace recursos humanos science and technology ciência e tecnologia pesquisadores

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