Comportamento do consumidor: Uma análise sobre a escolha da embalagem no ato da compra. / Comportamento do consumidor: Uma análise sobre a escolha da embalagem no ato da compra.




The general aim of this dissertation is to investigate customers behavior as regards to choosing packages at the moment of purchase. Customers behavior is characterized as a process; a set of stages which involves selection, purchase, use or products layout, ideas or experiments to satisfy needs and wishes. This study, by means of a bibliographical research as well as a survey, which was carried through with A, B and C supermarkets customers, located at Volta Redonda (RJ), provides us a view of how the process of choosing packages occurs at the moment of purchase. The study pointed out that customers behave rationally, trying to shop as better as possible, obtaining the best from their money, and maximizing utility, what appears to be an evidence of no emotional involvement when choosing tomatomade products packages.


embalagem processo de decisão de compra. package comportamento do consumidor customer behavior economia purchase-decision process.

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