Competitive strategy and e-commerce: studies of in the case of retail supermarkets. / Estratégia competitiva e comércio eletrônico: estudos de caso no varejo de supermercados.




Tihs paper aims to analyze how companies that use the Internet are implementing their competitive strategies to meet the new challenges of E-Commerce competition. More specifically, it intends to investigate if the conventional supermarket companies that also use the Internet are better prepared to implement strategies that promote sustainable competitive advantages than the exclusive online supermarket companies. To achieve this goal, theoretical references about strategy, technology, Internet and E-Commerce are used as a basis to guide the case studies that were carried out in two retailing companies (online supermarkets): Pão de Açucar Delivery, owned by the Pão de Açúcar Group and the, which is, exclusively, an online supermarket.


administração supermarkets study of cases retailers administracao strategic planning ecommerce supermercados comércio varejista administration estudo de casos comércio eletrônico planejamento estratégico

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