Comparação algebrica de genomas : o caso da distancia de reversão / Algebraic genome comparison : the case of reversal distance




In the last decades we have seen a great progress in molecular biology. That lead to a large volume of data on molecules, DNA and proteins, essential for life.The current stage of research lies in the pursuit of tools to extract information with biological relevance from this data. In this context, comparison of genomes is an important tool and genome rearrangements is a way of doing that comparison. In rearrangement analysis the genome is represented by a sequence of conserved blocks. The aim is to ?nd a minimum sequence of operations that transform a genome into another given as input two genomes and a set of allowed operations. In 1995, Hannenhalli and Pevzner presented the ?rst polinomial algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. This algorithm has complexity O(n4) in time and was the ?rst polinomial algorithm for a realistic model of genome rearrangement. Since then, new algorithms with better asintotic performance had appeared. The fastest algorithm, with complexity O(n?n logn), was developed byTannier and Sagot in 2004. Motivated by a lack of a more formal derivation in the genome rearrangement developed theory, we developed a formal solution for the signed reversal distance problem. We use an algebraic formalism that relates the recent genome rearrangement theory ? basically based on a work of Hannenhalli and Pevzner ? to permutation group theory in a new form. We intend to build a solid theoretical base for further advances in the area through strong algebraic formalism


biologia computacional bioinformatica computational biology molecular evolution evolução molecular bioinformatics

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