Coleção Iniciação Científica: do projeto à edição (1931-1977)




The proposition of investigation of this work falls upon the analysis of a series of books organizedas a collection- Coleção Iniciação Cientijica - from 1931 to 1978, figuring it as an object and source of investigation and information. This Collection was originally disposed by Femando de Azevedo (1931-1946), who was later substituted by Damasco Penna (1947-1978). The series consists of 37 books that were reprinted several times. The production presents different rhythm and origin of the texts under the distinct directions and also different prescriptions are designated to it. Under Femando de Azevedo s direction, it fights to put together a group of authors capable of providing titles to a variedpublic (school or postschool), aiming at the propagation of science; under Damasco Penna s, the Collection was adapted to a publishing project tumed to the search ofUniversity studies. The present work intends to show the devices used in the Scientific lnitiation Collection organization along the time, since fram its material analysis (covers) and reading mechanisms (prefaces, flaps, introductory texts); to analyse the different catalogues published by the Companhia Editora Nacional along the history of the Collection, with the intention of rebuilding the editors presentations related to its publishing project, destination and prescriptions and publishing strategies involved in the process of production and divulgation of its titles; to c1assifythe human knowledge areas according to the definition conceived by its publishers through the organization of th


colecao iniciacao cientifica -- historia e critica catalogos livros educacao

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