Cartografias e imagens da cidade : Campinas Grande - 1920-1945




The central question of this work is to reconstruct the multiple ways of living the inhabitants of Campina Grande (Paraíba) between 1920 and 1945. We try to find how day-Iaborers,working men and women, artisans, merchants, prostitutes, industrialists and peasants lived their lives, where do they live in, loved, worked and amused theirselves, how they used the spaces and territories in a changing city, in a moment when its central area was passing through a urban remodeling process. We do that by dialoguing with the historiography, especially with authors who used to deal with "cities" as abstracts or homogeneous entities, often neglecting the conflicts that make them more than just places for the capital and for circulation. Ali that brings us to recuperate the diversity that build the city, by penetrating the in-betweens of the work, leisure and everyday life of social and professional groups as farmers, bread sellers, chauffeurs, house-keepers e bearers, restoring the singular cartographies that were made in the city, showing the central territories, the red-light-zoneand the segregate places in which the city has been tumed in that period. We come into it by trying to recover the uses and the social relations betweenthe city s inhabitants. The recovering of these aspects of the Campina Grande s inhabitant s lives also brought us to question the works witch overestimate the disciplinary dimension that would have stroke the advent of the modem bourgeois society in the Brazilian cities. More than the universalisationof the so called "modem values", we find tensions and multiple perceptions and readings around its institutionalisations.


urbanização - brasil cartografia elites (ciencias sociais) conflito social ruas - campina grande (pb)

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