Nem do morro, nem da cidade: as transformações do samba e a indústria cultural - 1920-1945. / Tradition and modernity: the samba transfomation and the cultural industry - 1920-1945.




This work was aimed to study some relations between samba anda the implement of the cultural industry in Brazil from 1920 to 1945. It was focused that the mass media were important agents on the modern Brazilian samba development, althering both the social meaning and the production way. However, the Brazilian samba was not only a result of this entertaining industry. Many other interests influenced on its elaboration, such as the commercial radio expansion (and its search for news rhythms), the professionalization of popular musicians, togheter with Vargas nationalist project etc., were some evidences of the Brazilian society involviment with the national samba creation, which is a mixture of tradition and modernity.


modernity samba música popular popular music indústria cultural cultural industry modernidade cultural nationalism nacionalismo

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