Cartas e escrita




Conceiving writing as an object to be learned and apprehended and in this process forwarding to a subject condition, or non-subject (Certeau, 1990) insert ting it in a language conception that it is production, supposing interlocutors, this research proposes a reflexion on writhing letters as a social and cultural practice and, in it, the predominant role of the interlocutors. As a social-cultural practice is detached, in the letters, its communicative nature. Who does it write? To whom? What? When? How? The material analised is a set of two hundred and twenty two letters written, exchanged between two teenagers from 1990 to 1996. By reading the material, it may be detached the letter-object in its colors, chromas, hues, in the ceremonies and epistolaries rituals (Dauphin et al, 1995); the procedures that they used to run over; the manners they interlaced as authoe-speaker and addresser-reader; the subjects thated when placed in evidence the lining at school; and the maner they arrange their communication tighing chains throughout the dialogue. The study of the announcement (Bakhtin, 1992) as a real entity of communication brought sonce light to understand this enlacement through language, and a relationship (friendship) in it that is self constructed. Defining the act of writing as a study object, made it possible an approximation of the subject to the writing, of letters.


escrita cartas linguagem

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