Caracterização e avaliação do subproduto da industria de gelatina soluvel




The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the solid by-product. of soluble gelatin manufacture, as well as to investigate the possibility of utilizing such residue as a proteinaceous ingredient in animal feedstuff. When fresh the residue had about 90% moisture. After drying either in an electric oven or in a solar distill at 70 to 80°C, a product was obtained which was not higroscopic but capable of re-hydrating to 95% moisture if placed in water for ten minutes. Due to its high protein content (80%, against 83% of commercial gelatin) and the amino acids lisine and arginine, essencial for growing birds, the residue might be useful in feed formulation. Nitrite and chromium ions, common contaminants of cowhide by-products during tanning, were not found in the residue; most kikely due to the processing of the food-grade gelatin. The dry residue was used in step-wise substitution of meat flour reaching a maximum of 6%, in the formulation of broiler chicken feed. For this experiment, 192 male chicks of the commercial line Kennebec were fed for 28 days between March and April 1984. Feed consumption and body weight data were colected periodically for statistical analysis. The incomplete block experimental design af eight treatments with four replicates of six birds each was followed. Although the residue showed slight disadvantage in relation to meat flour, there was no significant difference between the two ato the 5% probability level. Provided sufficient amounts are available, utilization of 1,84% of the dry residue are recommended for growing chicks. Such leveI corresponds to 67% of the suppIemental meat flour.


gelatina - industria gelatina - subprodutos - avaliação

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