Black people and schooling in the city of São Paulo in the 1920 and 1930 / População negra e escolarização na cidade de São Paulo nas décadas de 1920 e 1930




The work is to reflect on the education of African-Brazilians in the decades of 1920 and 1930 in São Paulo. Assumes that the republican regime and the Brazilian state of São Paulo didnt have policies targeted to the black population, reproducing historical lags. We understand the logic on the back of public education, investigating in particular the persistence of prejudice and racial stigmas and stereotypes in the discourse sustained by the imperial and republican thought. To make viable these joints, the dissertation seeks subsidies in theoretical and methodological historiography of post-abolition. The O Clarim d´Alvorada (The Clarion of Dawn) newspaper, A Voz da Raça (The Voice of the Race), and Progresso (Progress), all of the black press of the decades of 1920 and 1930, form the central corpus of analysis of the dissertation. Thus, aiming to understand the contraposition between the speeches and actions supported by public education in the state of São Paulo and presented by the antiracist organizations such as Centro Cívico Palmares (Palmares Civic Center) and Frente Negra Brasileira (Brazilian Black Front) in city of São Paulo. By way of additional sources consulted documents such as Brazilian Constitutions from 1824 to 1937, collection of laws of the Empire, the National Census from 1872 to 1920, the Official Daily of the State and reports of chroniclers. That place of speech, the dissertation has been put into play that the policies promoted by state institutions in the first and second republic, were not neutral and fair. Universal education policies in Brazil hosted, for purposes of identity, kinship with the myth of racial democracy. The liberal principles of democracy and equality in the Constitution of 1891 retained the processes of social and racial imbalance and also postpone the face of inequalities that as the vicious circle of racism, particularly in education.


educação black education pós-abolição brasil racism black movement negro post-abolition brazil racismo history movimento negro história

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