Bioensaios na detecção e quantificação de sementes de soja geneticamente modificada resistente ao glifosato / Bioassays in the detection and quantification of soybeans genetically modified resistant to glyphosate




The world cultivation of genetically modified (GM) soybean resistant to glyphosate it corresponds to 41 million hectares. The presence of GM soybean seeds in lots of conventional seeds became a crescent problem for the soybean international trade. Recognizing the importance of the new markets and GM products, the Seed Technology will have to assure the genetic purity of the biotechnology derived products through tests reliable, practical and of low cost. In that context, the aims of this experiment went to verify the efficiency of the germination tests with herbicide in the substratum (bioassays) in the detection and quantification of GM soybean seeds mixtures in conventional seeds samples. Samples of conventional seeds were prepared with 0, 1, 3 and 5% of GM soybean seeds and submitted to the procedures of pre-soak, soak and immersion in herbicide, installed in plastic trays containing 25 seeds, with and without association to the GMO detection kit. In the sequence, contaminated samples with 0, 1, 3, 5 and 8% of GM soybean seeds were installed in paper rolls (25 and 50 seeds/roll) and plastic trays with 25 seeds following the pre-soak procedure in herbicide. Six days after the installation, hypocotyl length, root length, number of secondary roots and the largest secondary root length were evaluated. The pre-soak procedure is the most appropriate for the detection and quantification of GM soybean seeds presence, allowing 100% of successes in the detection, independently of the contaminants porcentage in conventional samples of soybean seeds and it presents accuracy in the quantification of GM soybean seeds presence of up to 3% in conventional samples, being its precision conditioned to the porcentual of present mixture in the sample.


sementes geneticamente modificadas herbicidas sementes producao e beneficiamento de sementes soybeans glycine max herbicides glycine max germination soja germinação transgenics transgênicos

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