Behavior of piglets in function of the protein source in the diet after the weaning / Comportamento de leitões em função da fonte protéica na dieta e idade ao desmame




Two experiments were conduced, the first using 48 piglets, weaned to the 21 days of age, and with initial weight of 5,60 0,75 kg, distributed at random in three treatments and sixteen repetitions with an animal for experimental unit, with the objective of evaluating the behavior after the weaning fed with diets containing different protein sources. The treatments were: diets with soy meal and without protein of animal origin (T1), with skim milk powder in the diet (T2), and with spray-dried animal plasma in the diet (T3). In the second experiment 16 pigs were used weaned to the 21 days of age and 16 weaned to the 35 days of age distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with two treatments and sixteen repetitions with an animal for experimental unit, being aimed at to evaluate the behavior of the pigs after the weaning in different ages. The behavior was verified from images registered by cams for 63 hours ceaselessly after animals weaning, using the "Focal" technique. Significant differences were verified as the frequency of animals practicing nosing and as for the time of permanence in the feeder and in agonistics behaviors, in the experiment one, and the animals subject to the treatments 2 and 3 presented better behaviors than the animals subject to the treatment 1, while in the experiment two, only significant differences were not verified in relation to the time that the animals stayed lying, and the animals weaned to the 35 days of age presented better behaviors than weaned them to the 21 days of age. Significant differences were verified as for the weight gain between 22 and 28 days of life of the pigs. In the second experiment significant differences were verified as for accumulated weight gain in the end of the period I (22 to the 28 days), in the end of the period II (22 to the 35 days). It was ended that, animals submitted to diets to the base of soy meal or weaned to the 21 days of age present larger incidence of undesirable behaviors and smaller weight gain than the animals submitted to diets with protein of animal origin or weaned to the 35 days of age.


swine nutricao e alimentacao animal suíno alimento desempenho feeds performance

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