Avaliação química e térmica de erva-mate: uma contribuição para a sustentabilidade na reserva indígena kaiowá e guarani, Caarapó, MS




The present work objectified the thermal evaluation (TG/DTG and DSC), quantification of the mineral elements for atomic absorption and text of caffeine of the native lineages of grass kills (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.), to allow the monitoramento and to complement to the genetic of these lineages in field, in order to allow the election of lineage most productive and adjusted evaluation to the intentions of the sustainable exploration of the natural resources for the aboriginal community. The results from the termogravimetric analysis allow to suggest the technique as an important tool for the inquiry of the genetic variability, the lineages with bigger mineral concentration are 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1 and 7 consecutively. The concentration of the caffeine text varied in the band of 6,566 mg/g the 13,630 mg/g, with prominence to blocks I and IV, did not have significant shunting line of the linearity between the treatments, meeting r = 0,9945 between 0,002 the 0,007 mg/g., what it values the energy potential of the species. E the experimental results, carried through in third copy, allow to suggest, that the disposals of the different lineages distributed in the blocks to perhaps, result in appreciable variations in texts of gotten minerals and caffeine of the different native lineages. The aboriginal community kaiowá and Guarani presents diverse potentialities, much of still latent them, because of its partner-cultural resistance. However it fits to stand out, the envolvement of new sustainable alternatives, as the determination of the energy text of caffeine of the native lineages of grass-kills extends the fan of options and the aggregation of new knowledge to the use and manufactures of grass-kills. This generated knowledge can come to be divulged, allowing the cultural rescue and providing well being to all community.


ilex paraguariensis potencialidades desenvolvimento local indigenous community ilex paraguariensis local development potentialities planejamento urbano e regional comunidade indígena text of caffeine teor de cafeina

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