Avaliação dos métodos de levantamento do meio biológico terrestre em estudos de impacto ambiental para a construção de usinas hidrelétricas na região do cerrado / Evaluation of the methods of survey of the terrestrial biological way in studies of ambient impact for the construction of hidrelétricas plants in the region Cerrado, in Brazil




Environmental impact assessments (EIAs), and presentation of these reports have been used in Brazil since the 1970's in a non-formal manner, that is, without pertinent legislation to minimize the impact of large enterprises. With the rise of these studies, they were then ruled, nationally, by the CONAMA 001 resolution, 23/01/1986. To perform the EIA, a set of activities established by the respective state licensing bodies and/or IBAMA must be developed, generally named Reference Terms. The methods applied on the Reference Terms are considered to be in agreement with the regulations and recommendations of the Environment Estate Secretaries, and that the EIA are being correctly executed. However, these methods do not have a pattern to be followed, allowing possible mistakes particularly in not having the necessary span of the terrestrial biological environment and its ecological characteristics. Hydroelectric dams, generally, produce a massive impact upon the environment, and these effects last well beyond the life time of the power plant, the project and the physical space involved. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the EIA of these kinds of activities and to assess if they are being well executed. The evaluation was made using several methodological and structural parameters. Seven EIAs from hydroelectric enterprises in Cerrado were used. The results were analyzed using comparative tables, referred to: survey methods; habitats sampled; and results. The valuations were performed analyzing mainly six criteria: description of the habitats sampled, agreement between habitats and analyzed groups, description of the survey methods applied, utilization of quantitative methods to sample terrestrial biological environment, organisms identification to the species level and the richness of the group analyzed. At the end of this research, the way these EIAs are being carried on was diagnosed, allowing, possibly, the creation of reference for future environmental researches, in order to obtain an upgrade on the studies and, consequently, better results for environmental management.


biotic survey ecossistemas de cerrado hydroeletric dam usinas hidrelétricas legislação ambiental environmental legislation levantamento environmental impact biota - levantamento cerrado ecosystems impacto ambiental

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