Avaliação do reparo ósseo em fêmur de rato com o uso de células-tronco, associadas a implante de cimento de fosfato de cálcio ou esponja de gelatina absorvível


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Aims: this research aims to describe, through a histological analysis and imaging study, the quality of bone healing under adipose mesenchymal stem cells application (CTAD), with ¿-CFtC implant and absorbable gelatin sponge (EGA). Methodology: were studied 32 strain rats Rattus novergicus albinus, SHR (spontaneously hypertensive rats), isogenics, divided into four groups: seven, 14, 30 and 60 postoperative days. In the right femoral diaphysis, two drilled cavities were created: Control 1 (C1) or Test 1 (T1), in the proximal portion of the femur, and Control 2 (C2) or Test 2 (T2), in the central portion of the femur. T1 was filled with ¿-CFtC block incubated with mesenchymal stem cells, and T2 was filled with EGA associated to the cells (CTAD). C1 was filled with ¿-CFtC block and C2 with EGA, both without cell engeneering. Results of bone repair were analysed by imaging study (X-Ray and TCFC) and histomorphometry. Results: The visual X-ray test does not show any statistical difference between experimental groups. However, visual TCFC test showed better results in Tests Groups. Seven and 60 days: Test Group ¿ in T1 (¿-CFtC) was observed bone healing acceleration, with a statistical difference between experimental groups. The same was observed in 14 days, in Test Group ¿ T2 (EGA). Contrasting with this, the Groups with EGA (C2) - 14 and 30 postoperative days - showed intense fibroplasy. Conclusions: the X-ray does not show any statistical difference between experimental groups, but TCFC images showed bone healing acceleration in Tests Groups. The mesenchymal cell application, associated to biomaterials (¿-CFtC and EGA) showed acceleration in the bone healing process, in rats, when compared with cavities from the Control Groups. The cavities C2 (EGA - without cell therapy), in 14 and 30 postoperative days, developed an intense fibroplasy and showed delay bone healing process.


bone regeneration cirurgia bucal regeneração óssea biomaterials células-tronco mesenchymal stem cells materiais biocompativeis

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