"Avaliação do processo de expansão do programa saúde da família em um município do sul do Brasil" / "Evaluation of the Family Health Program expansion process in a South of Brazil city"




This is a study of case with qualitative and quantitative approach. It has as objective the description of the historical description and the evaluation of the Family Health Program (FHP) expansion process in a South of Brazil city, occurred between December of 2002 and December of 2004. It was used the Donabedian model for structure, process and result evaluation and subsequent comparison, in a before and after study type, in the covering area evolution of the program, calculated by the Health Department systematic, from 23,85%(dec/2002) to 70%(dec/2004). The results discussion was carried out joined to a historical description expansion from 11 to 33 Family’s Health teams. It was done through documentary research, where, using the content analysis, it was possible to identify the subjects related to the structure, process and results related to the FHP. Related to the structure was compared financial resources, human resources, physical installations, vehicles, specialized reference, complementary examinations and expenses with medicines. The items analyzed in process were ratio of individual medical record organization for families, covering for medical and nursing consultations and covering of home visits in the FHP. For the result evaluation the taxes of children’s mortality, percentage of pregnant covering with more than 6 prenatal consultations, rates of hospital admission incidence, using the Brazilian Health System, for respiratory infections and diarrhea illness in children under 5 years old were compared. The comparison between the moments evidences a significant meaningful in all items of structure compared, with prominence for financial and human resources, specialized reference and physical installations. About the process, it was adopted an individual medical record filling systematic for registered families. There was an increase in the number of medical consultations in the FHP with reduction for the medical clinic, pediatrics and urgency consultations. As resultant, in the comparison between the moments, it reduced the amount and the consultations covering in the basic specialties. The covering of nursing consultations increased in 160, 7% in the period of comparison. The home visits covering in the systematic of the SISPACTO increased in 92,3% between the analyzed moments, the variation was studied in each professional category. In the results evaluation occurred a worsening in the pregnant with more than 6 consultations of prenatal covering, with reduction from 61,6% to 50,0%. The coefficients of hospital admission using the Brazilian Health System for respiratory infection and diarrhea illness had increased in 29,1% and 15,3%, respectively. Children’s mortality reduced in 33,0%, from 28,8‰ to 19,3‰. The historical description refers to the period before the expansion until the end of 2004, when the analysis of this study was finished. The facilities and limiters in an expansion process are identified by the combination of the quantitative data with the historical description.


estudos de avaliação evaluation studies programa saúde da família family health program avaliação de programas program evaluation

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