Avaliação da extensão da oclusão arterial na isquemia crônica de membros inferiores: estudo comparativo da ecografia com Doppler colorido e da arteriografia / Assessment of the arterial occlusion extension in the lower extremity chronic ischemia: a comparative study of the duplex ultrasound and the arteriography




Arteriography is an invasive method of imaging the vascular system that allows assessment of the intraluminal characteristics of the arteries. It detects minimal arterial wall changes with intravascular injections of contrast agents. Dispite significant advances in lasts decades, some pitfalls remain in determining the extension of arterial occlusions and the run-off vessels in cases of arterial occlusive disease in the lower extremities (LEAOD). Some authors have already studied the extension of the disease, by arteriography, in patients with femoropopliteal disease; nevertheless, none of them has so far used the Intraoperative Distal Prebypass Arteriography (IDA) as the goldstandard in patients with disease in the aortoiliac territory. This study is a clinical, prospective trial, developed by the Division of Vascular Surgery at the University of Sao Paulo to analyse the pre-operative arteriography (POA) in its capacity of showing the true extension of the arterial occlusion and the run-off vessels in LEAOD. The Duplex Ultrasound Arterial Mapping (DUAM) was also tested in the same situations. Extension of the arterial occlusion was defined as the length between the point where the contrast agent leaves the main vessel, and the point where the contrast come back to it, in the arterial system, the later called Refilling Point (RP). Run-off was defined as the sum of the distal arteries continuous with the RP. All of the patients included in this study were subjected in a determined time interval to a POA, a DUAM and a IDA. Forty seven lower extremities were studied in 33 patients (34 with aortoiliac, and 13 with femoropopliteal disease). POA detected the true RP in 53% of the instances, with a bad reprodutibility of the gold-standard (k = 0,44, P >0,001). The DUAM detected the RP 74,5%, with a good results reprodutibliity (k = 0,68, P <0,001). In the assessment of run-off vessels POA and DUAM have detected, respectively, 125 and 167 of the 183 arteries showed in IDA. This disagreement between POA and DUAM was estastistically significant (P = 0,001). The only clinical characteristic associated with the results was the anatomical location of the arterial disease. We concluded that the POA does not identify the true RP and the run-off vessels in the aortoiliac LEAOD. The DUAM showed a good agreement with the IDA, and so it can be considered a good choice to assess the RP and the run-off in aortoiliac and femoropopliteal LEAOD.


aorta abdominal/ultrasonography aortografia/utilização peripheral vascular diseases/surgery estudo comparativo lower extremity/blood supply ensaios clínicos aorta abdominal/ultrasonografia artéria ilíaca/patologia clinical trials extremidade inferior/irrigação sangüínea iliac artery/pathology aortography/utilization ultrasonography doppler color doenças vasculares periféricas/cirurgia comparative study ultra-sonografia doppler em cores

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