Avaliação do leito arterial distal em revascularização de membros inferiores: estudo comparativo entre ecografia-doppler, arteriografia e medidas diretas de fluxo no intra-operatório / Color-flow duplex hemodynamic assessment of runoff in ischemic lower limb revascularization: a comparative study among preoperative duplex scanning, arteriography and intraoperative direct out flow measurements




The clinical indications and the surgical technique regarding arterial revascularization in patients with critical lower limb ischemia have been thoroughly studied and well determined in the literature. However, a considerable number of grafts evolutes to occlusion even nowadays. Among the factors known to contribute to early graft failure the resistance of the outflow arterial bed stands out. The purpose of this study is to verify Duplex Scanning hemodynamic correlation power with preoperative arteriography and direct intraoperative resistance measurements. Sixty-eight (68) lower limb revascularizations were studied. Preoperative Duplex Scanning was considered satisfactory in 93,2% of the cases. A positive hemodynamic correlation among the methods described above (Pearsons correlation test), particularly for distal arteries, has been verified. We conclude that preoperative Duplex Scanning, apart from defining the anatomic characteristics of the artery to be revascularized, can be helpful in the hemodynamic study of the arterial bed receiving the graft, making it easier to establish the graft prognosis and define the best therapeutic strategy to be adopted in the preoperative period.


prognosis ischemia extremidade inferior isquemia ultra-sonografia doppler runoff flow lower extremity medição de vazão flow measurement prognóstico fluxo de escoamento ultrasonography duplex

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