Avaliação da efetividade do hipoclorito de sodio 5,25% e clorexidina gel 2% na remoção de pre-dentina em areas não instrumentadas de canais radiculares de incisivos inferiores : estudo in vitro / An in vitro evaluation of the effectivity of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorherixidine gel in removing predentin from non instrumented areas of lower incisors root canals




The aim of this study was to evaluate the predentin removal capacity of two substances used as irrigating substances in Endodontics ? 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine gel - on the apical, middle and cervical thirds from human mandibular incisors with vital pulps and mesio-distal flattened root canals. During the biomechanical preparation, volume and frequency of irrigants were standardizated. The instruments were used on the vestibular wall off the root canals and the removal capacity of the substances were studied in the lingual area. After instrumentation, and histological processing, the cross sections were examinated with an optic microscope in order to verify the presence and quantity of predentine on the lingual pole. The statistical analyses (P<0,01) showed that 5.25% sodium hypochlorite presented higher capacity in removing predentin than 2% chlorhexidine gel and fisiologic solution in all thirds. CONCLUSIONS: 5.25% sodium hypochorite presented higher capacity in removing predentin than 2% chlorhexidine gel and fisiologic solution control. None of the substances completely removed all predentin in all samples. There was no difference on the root canal cleaning when used the same irrigant in the different thirds. In the areas touched by the endodontic instruments, the predentin was removed from the canal walls with all of the substances


endodontics endodontia

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