AvaliaÃÃo toxicolÃgica prÃ-clÃnica do extrato hidroalcoÃlico da Operculina alata (Ham.) Urban




The Operculina alata popularly know as Jalapa-do-Brasil, belongs to the family of Convolvulaceae. It possesses laxatives and cathartic properties. Inspite of its wide commercialization (Aguardente alemÃ) in the form of hidoralcoholic extracts (HAE) there is little information available in the literature regarding itâs safty. For such reason, HAE of roots was studied on rats of both sexes, for acute toxity (LD50), appraised the effect on fertility (during the gestation period, development of the offspring, embriogenic phase of gestation and reproductive performance), biochemical, hematological parameters and finally the morphology of the main tissues. Our results demonstrate that oral administration of up to 5,0g/kg of HAE did not have lethal effect. The treatment of animals during the gestation period with HAE (25, 125 and 625mg/kg, p.o.) did not alter the reproductive variables: mother/offspring relation, fertility index (relation between pregnant and mated rats), gestation (percentage of pregnant females with live fetus), viability (percentage of survival after 4th days), lactation (percentage of survival after the 21th day of births/number of births), weight in the 1st and 30th day of animals life span, as well as, it did not modify the profile of behavior of the offspring in relation to the comparing control group. The treatment with HAE in the embriogenic phase of the pregnancy, did not after significantly the corporal mass of the fetuses in relation to the control group, nor in the reproductive performance, the treatment of the rats for 30 days with HAE, modify the weight of the main organs, as well as, the reproductive variables described above, significantly. With daily administration of HAE, the development (1st to the 30th day) of the corporal mass of the offspring was not inhibited. The biochemical and hematological profiles after the chronic treatment with HAE stayed inside of the reference values for the species, with insignificant variations. In a similar way, the histological analysis did not reveal any cellular alteration, with the exception of the lung, where a small infiltrated inflammation was observed. Our results suggest that oral administration of HAE of Jalapa-do-Brasil presents low toxicity, it does not modify the reproductive capacity of the rats of both sexes. It does not alter significantly the development and after birth behavior of offsprings, as well as, the biochemical, hematological parameters and the morphology of the tissues


operculina alata jalapa-do-brasil extrato hidroalcoÃlico convolvulaceae farmacia

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