AvaliaÃÃo ergonÃmica do posto de trabalho informatizado de atendimento ao pÃblico em uma empresa fornecedora de energia elÃtrica




This dissertation refers to the case study where physical, cognitive and organizational aspects related to the activities executed at the computerized working posts of teleattendance or call centre, in a company rendering service to the electricity supply company in the State of Pernambuco were described and analysed. The physical aspects analysed, in the light of ergonomics, embodied characteristics of voice and the postures adopted in the sitting position, dimensional research and analysis of the furniture and working locale, conditions of accessibility to the posts and work environment, condition of thermo, acoustic and visual comfort, having been done parameters measures of thermo comfort in 29 working posts, comprehending dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, air velocity , and the determined the effective temperature and air humidity, and parameters of acoustic and visual comfort, understanding levels of sound pressure or of environmental noise, and levels of illumination, respectively. For the mapping of problems, photographs were taken and physical postures adopted by the operators at work were analyzed. Cognitive aspects involved in the execution of tasks, in the operators activities of teleattendance or of call centres, and organisational and operational factors that influence the execution of the tasks were described With the purpose of improving the comprehension of tasks, and from its content, interviews directed and non-directed, some of them recorded, with operators and supervisors were done. An ample questionnaire was applied, including pre-tests, whose answers to the questions were transformed into charts and graphics. In the end, diverse recommendations with the purpose of eliminating, minimization or solution of dysfunctions and suggestions for future research were presented


saÃde vocal â uso intensivo da voz biomecÃnica â aspectos posturais e dimensionais teleatendimento â aspectos cognitivos e psÃquicos, e organizacionais teleatendimento â conforto tÃrmico, acÃstico e visual / iluminamento ergonomia â teleatendimento â telemarketing engenharia de producao

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