AvaliaÃÃo dos custos humanos no trabalho com teclados para entrada de dados e datilografia : uma abordagem ergonÃmica




Nowadays, it is not rare, for many workers, to spend more than 50% of his/her time of work in a computer. In the end of the last century, The Bureau of Labor Statistics (1989 to 1991) has called the attention to the extraordinary increase of the diseases and cumulative traumas disorders in computerized sections, that duplicate of number every year. In the industry in general, the studies on the increase of the diseases for cumulative traumas disorders have been focusing the user of computer keyboards; with the association of ineffective postures of the pulses and work load. Other studies have identified the keyboard as one of the main risk factors for the development and aggravation of cumulative traumas disorders of the arms and hands, during the work. This study has the objective to identify and to rescue structural benefits of the old typewriters, that were not incorporated to the current design of keyboards for computers, as well as the psico-physiologic properties of the activity. For such, it was made use of tools of biomechanical and ergonomics such as: Cinemetry (videografy) and Behavior Video, associated to other statistical, quantitative and qualitative tools. In view of this, the study has evaluated, in a significant way, the postural, work and angular relationships of the main anatomical segments involved in the activity of typewriting in old typewriting machines and current computer keyboards


cinemetria engenharia de producao bureau of labor statistics problemas musculoesquelÃticos dos braÃos

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