AvaliaÃao da qualidade pÃs-colheita e capacidade antioxidante durante o armazenamento das polpas de seis clones de aceroleira


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The processing acerola into juice and frozen pulp is developed to enhance its marketability, although processing and long storage periods promote oxidative reactions that affect the bioavailability of nutrients. Thus, this worked aimed to evaluate the effect of storage and processing on postharvest quality and antioxidant activity of acerola frozen pulp to comprehend the role and destination of natural antioxidants and to establish their influence over acerola pulp quality. Acerola from six clones selected over plant breeding programs developed by Embrapa AgroindÃstria Tropical (CNPAT): BRS 235 (Apodi), BRS 236 (Cereja), BRS 237 (Roxinha), BRS 238 (Frutacor) e II47/1, and Semi-Ãrido (CPATSA): BRS 152 (Sertaneja) were hand picked at commercial maturity at Frutacor located at Limoeiro do Norte-CE. Fruit were processed and pulp were stored in a freezer at 18oC and evaluated every 30 days for 11 months. Acerola pulp storage at freezing temperature maintained postharvest quality. The antioxidants content decreased during storage, especially anthocyanin, leading to a reduction in the antioxidant activity, in spite of which, clones BRS 238 and II 47/1 showed the highest levels. The activity of antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and APX were higher in clones BRS 235 and BRS 152, which had the lowest antioxidant content as well as antioxidant activity. These results indicate a compensatory mechanism in the control of oxygen reactive species metabolism in acerola, where the lower antioxidant levels were counterbalanced by higher antioxidant enzymatic activity. Among the acerola clones studied, II 47/1 showed great postharvest quality and high antioxidant content, thus it is the most adequate for processing.


fisiologia pos-colheita acerola clones polpa armazenamento congelamento compostos antioxidantes enzimas antioxidantes acerola clones processing storage freezing antioxidant enzymes

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