Atividade inibitória in vitro de extratos de Arrabidaea chica (Verlot.) sobre Candida albicans


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




There is a great interest in substances that have inhibitory action on yeasts of the genus Candida. Several plants, used in popular medicine, have been studied for this purpose. This aim of this work was to evaluate in vitro the inhibitory activity of Arrabidaea chica (Verlot.) extracts, known in Rondônia (Brazil) as crajirú, against Candida albicans. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts, autoclaved and filtered was assessed, using the technique of agar dilution. Twenty-five strains of C. albicans were studied. The crude extracts were submitted to a Fine Chromatography Analysis (FCA). The hydroalcoholic extract presented seven compounds and the aqueous autoclaved extract two. Hydroalcoholic extracts inhibited all strains of C. albicans in the concentration of 20%. The aqueous filtered extract not showed inhibitory effect until 50%. The aqueous autoclaved extract, in the concentration of 30%, inhibited 84% of the strains. Hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts showed activity against C. albicans. The hydroalcoholic extract presented superior performance in a lower concentration and had a greater number of compounds.


fitoterapia candida albicans arrabidaea chica plantas medicinais fitoterapy candida albicans arrabidaea chica medicinal plants odontologia

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