AssistÃncia social em Alagoas: a gestÃo estadual em questÃo




This research work, entitled Social Work in Alagoas: Issues Concerning the StateÂs Management, analyses the performance of Alagoas a northeastern Brazil state in its responsibility for the administration of the âSistema descentralizado e Participativo da AssistÃncia Social (Decentralized and Shared Social Work System). The Analysis is based on an extended concept of state so as to encompass the adopted conduct of the government and the actions of the civil society considering that they are both involved in the process of implementing social work as a public policy, in accordance to the guidelines of the 1988 Constitution and the social work organic law (LOAS). This study covers the period between 1998 and 2001. Systematic approaches were necessary in order to obtain a better understanding of the object, brought about by the analysis of two basic variables. The first one concerns the historical construction of Alagoas which allows the understanding of the way the state has been included in the northeast and in Brazil as a whole, creating and maintaining presently existing social inequalitites. The second variable refers to the specific form of performing social work in Alagoas. Social work is carried out under a public policy regulated by general national guidelines. However, it is in the federal units, specially in the municipal sphere, that this policy is put into practice. The states are intermediate units responsible for coordination and command. In this area, peculiar characteristics are shown up resulting from specific historic construction capable of making the federal units behave differently in the face of similar social policies. This is exactly what the study intends to explain focusing specifically on Alagoas. The accomplishment of the research work demanded the use of methodological resources such as observation, interview, documental and bibliographical research and content analysis. The empirical fields emphasised during the research were the Social Work State Bureau which is the official policy administrator, and the Social Work State Board, which represents the civil society in the âSistema descentralizado e Participativo da AssistÃncia Social (Decentralized and Shared Social Work System)


serviÃo social â alagoas descentralizaÃÃo administrativa - brasil servico social alagoas â polÃtica social descentralizaÃÃo administrativa â alagoas

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