AS TIC NO AMBIENTE ESCOLAR: TRANSMITIR INFORMAÇÃO OU PRODUZIR CONHECIMENTO? (Um estudo de caso numa instituição de ensino particular em Aracaju-SE)




The reality in which we live is characteristically marked by fast changes. The world is no longer the same and daily life implies exceedingly high access to information. Amidst all of this, globalization as well as information and communication technologies (ICT) tend to make increasingly shorter the distance which puts men apart. Social sectors are influenced by such changes and play their role in a typically modern scene. Education, just like all other segments of society, has also a part to perform in this process. This academic work thus aims to investigate how education has dealt with these changes and innovations and more precisely the manner ICT are being used in schools. It is a case study carried out in an Aracaju-SE private school about the contributions to the teaching/learning process offered by ICT to teachers, students and pedagogical staff.


educação sociedade do conhecimento education association from the knowledge globalização educacao globalization formação de professor tecnologias digitais formation as of teacher tecnology digital

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