As representações docentes e os usos do caderno do aluno de língua inglesa na rede pública estadual de São Paulo: uma abordagem qualitativa / Teachers\ representations and uses of the caderno de língua inglesa in state public schools in São Paulo: a qualitative study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this work was to investigate the uses of the Caderno do Aluno de Lingua Inglesa (Student\ s English Notebook), the recently printed school material, similar to a school book , created and distributed due by the new Proposta Curricular (2008) and meant to be used in the public schools of São Paulo state. In order to do so, qualitative research was conducted, inspired by the ethnographic approach and ten English language teachers were interviewed, so that we could observe their perceptions and representations towards the use of the Notebook, based on the considerations placed by Lefebvfre (1980,1981) and Penin (1989, 1995). Also, a state school teacher was observed while dealing with his ten to fifteen- year-old students during the second semester of 2009 and first of 2010. The observation register and data analyses were based on Rockwell´s description and definition of the ethnographic procedures. The study indicates that the new curriculum and the printed tool, the notebook have brought positive changes to the routine of teachers and students. However, it was observed that there were no deeper changes into the teaching routine of the subject, historically focused on the study of the language structures. Finally, we provide the reader with some reflexions over qualitative study based on the proposition stated by Hammersley (1989, 1993) so that we can help spreading the approach in a sense that it might inspire and broaden the range of studies about the teaching English as a Foreign Language in public schools in the future.


abordagem etnográfica english language teaching ensino de língua inglesa escola pública etnographic approach public schools representações representation são paulo são paulo

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