As políticas educacionais e o processo de formação do professor nos cursos de licenciatura / Educational Public politics and the process of formation of professors in the Courses of Licenciatura




The artifact investigative study is to the repercussions public policy educational in the process of Training of Teachers in Diploma courses. For a better understanding of the influence of these policies in these courses is required relates to the issues concerning the development of higher education in Brazil, from a socio-historical, political and economic, for the identification of the relationship between state and public policies subsidized the propositions legal and contextual concern that significant changes in universities. With regard to public policy education could understand, in the analyses of various documents, the main intent to adjust the objectives, contents and methods of teaching to the demands from the social Neoliberal Project aimed at developing a training conducive to meet the new demands of the labour market. These reforms are providing strong influence on the actions administrative, teaching and curriculum of educational institutions of higher education, leading them to question their purpose socio-cultural. In this sense it was defined as a fundamental object of this research, conducting a discussion about public policy education, from the years 1990, in the process of training teachers of the State University of Goiás (UEG), the University of Science Unit Socio-economic and Humanities (UnUCSEH) from Anápolis. It is a search conducted with qualitative in nature to four courses through analyses of Institutional Development Projects; Institutional Teaching and Learning Training of Teachers in Geography, History, Letters and pedagogy, and the holding of interviews with the Director, the coordinators, teachers and scholars of the courses. The study raised the prominence of the dichotomy between the prospect of a vocational training rooted in the principles and a humanistic training, technical-stamp Mercantile subservientes the dictates of international bodies, socio-economic system by neoliberal, showing a gap between the discourse of interlocutors, as legal and organization of projects undertaken by the institution searched and how they connect as legal education with reality, and emphasizes aspects dispersed between interpretations and actions of teachers and trainers of academics apprehended.


políticas públicas educacionais university currículo universidade public policy education estado curriculum educacao teacher training formação de professores state

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