As Organizações Não Governamentais no Estado Democrático de Direito




This is a study on the subject of the role played by NGOs in Brazil. Non-governmental organizations have evolved in Brazil, not only in number of institutions but, above all, in terms of action. This trend toward growth and development seems to have become permanent, for the State has demonstrated an inability to attain all of the objectives on its own, and now demands that civil society organize itself, forming partnerships to cater to social needs. After brief considerations on the features of the Democratic State of Law and to attain the purpose in mind, the study considers the types of non-governmental, non-profit organization that are allowed under our laws, as also the legal treatment dispensed to them. With pertinent legislation for a basis, the study pin-points the deficiencies of the law and presents a few suggestions to improve the legal approach awarded to the subject. Finally, in the annexes, the study is enriched by pertinent legislation and by field research


associação em defesa da moradia ciências humanas organizacoes nao governamentais -- brasil organização não governamental associação sem fins lucrativos, organização da social civil de interesse público terceiro setor

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