As fontes de saber matemático de professores dos anos iniciais




The aim of this research is to investigate the mathematical knowledge sources of a teachers group who teaches in a public elementary school, in the city of São Paulo. Firstly we checked the available mathematical knowledge sources and we did a complementary research about similar themes. We also checked the graduation and recognition of the teachers as professionals. We found in Tardif and collaborators the background for development of this research. In order to find out the answer for the research question, we applied a needs analysis with thirteen questions for sixteen teachers. According to the answers, we chose three questions for an interview with five of these teachers to becoming clear important points in their answers. The result gotten into the needs analysis shows that the main material used by these respondents is the didactic book and also the graduated Mathematics teachers that help them with their doubts. We also concluded that the knowledge valued by the respondents is the one that Tardif (2006) calls Experiential Knowledge, which comes from in their individual or group daily experiences


professores dos anos iniciais fontes de saber mathematical knowledge matematica professores de matematica -- formacao profissional saber matemático matematica -- estudo e ensino knowledge sources elementary school teachers

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