As cartas de seguro: de Portugal para o Brasil Colônia. O perdão e a punição nos processos-crimes das Minas do Ouro (1769-1831) / Letters of insurance: from Portugal to Brazil Colony. Forgiveness and punishment in cases of crimes in Gold Mines (1769-1831)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis presents the letters of insurance, according to the Portuguese doctrinal matrix and their forms of application in the justice of colonial Brazil, the period from 1769 to 1831. It begins by presenting a version of the letter of insurance, which was a model of regal grace, then it is concerned about revealing the repetitions, its application, the transfer of the Kingdom to the colonial territory, trying to unravel the meaning of the resource in the Lusitan doctrinal and juridical organization. The functioning of insurance cards within the Portuguese legal and administrative system was based in the empirical study of the remaining documents of the district of Rio das Mortes, crimes cases, and to understand the application of justice, as well as the ways their effectiveness is presented in County of Rio das Mortes, captaincy and province of Minas Gerais in the period 1769 to 1831. It was made a study of the manuals of those who had the traditional rules and who taught the practice of court in the second half of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the next century. We attempted to map both the confluent behaviors between Minas and the Lusitanian matrix, as well as incongruent ways between these two bodies. The thesis was divided into two parts, which at first is an effort to explain the origin of the Lusitanian resource describing their ties to the Lusitanian administration and justice . In the second part, the work is about the use of letters of insurance in Brazil, with the application site in the Gold Mines, discussing the different ways to implement the insurance cards in face of the social diversity characterized by the presence of free and captive people and liners, men and women, most and least institutionalized places, as well as border regions. The purpose of studying this issue was the debate on the functioning of the colonial justice and the relationship between the colony and its metropolis, and also the intention of studying how the centralization of royal power influenced the colonial administration.


administração administration carta de seguro colonial justice história do direito penal history of criminal law justiça justiça colonial justice letter of insurance matriz doutrinária portuguesa perdão portuguese doctrinal matrix punição punishment sorry

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