Architecture education and the construction of modernity / O ensino da arquitetura e a construção da modernidade




This work puts forward teaching experiences in architectural design motivated by my practice in FAU of Unisantos as a collaborator in the subject Architecture Design. Initially, we discuss broadly the teaching conditions in Architecture and the connection between this situation and the construction of the profession of Architect up to the XX century. The learning institution in France was elected as a interpretation motive, as well as the evolution of industrialization and adoption of scientific methods during the XIX century. From then onwards, scientific methods commanded thought and building up of knowledge surmounting the previous situation focused on the composition of an architectonic work. As the modern technology informs the approaches supported by a reasoning which sought criteria and reasons of industrial production, its principals and final products converge to the formation of two seminal schools Vkhutemas and Bauhaus for the training in architectonic design during the XX century in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and in Germany during the short period of Weimar Republic. Institutional schooling in Engineering was instituted in 1894 with the foundation of Escola Politécnica in the University of São Paulo when the training in Architecture was instituted in Brazil, being the birthplace of the Architecture and Urbanism Colleges in São Paulo in 1947/48. The process of horizontal integration during the first years in the Architecture and Urbanism College University of São Paulo, Unisantos during the period 2001-2006 and the Vertical Studio in Escola da Cidade are described.


architecture design projeto de arquitetura architecture teaching arquitetura research ensino estudo

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