Anti-predator defense mechanisms in larvae of the butterfly Methona themisto (Nymphalidae: Ithomiinae) / Mecanismos de defesa contra predadores em larvas da borboleta Methona themisto (Nymphalidae: Ithomiinae)




Chemical defense in Lepidoptera involves several mechanisms such as sequestration of secondary metabolismcompounds of host plants and de novo synthesis of compounds that can provide some unpalatability or toxicity. The larvae of the butterfly Methona themisto (Nymphalidae: Ithomiinae) have a conspicuous coloration and feed exclusively on Brunfelsia uniflora (Solanaceae), that is rich in compounds of the secondary metabolismo These larvae were analyzed under several aspects to confirm if they are chemically defended. Survivorship data showed predation significantly affecting larval survival in natural habitat. Larvae chemical defenses are inefficient against invertebrate predators, such as the spider Lycosa erythr-ognatha and the ant Campónotus crassus (100% of predation), but it seems to be efficient against the mantid Oxyopsis saussuurei (reduction of prey manipulation time and predation in a second contact). To vertebrate predators, like the lizard Tropidurus itambere and the chick Gallus gallus, defense acts through conspicuous coloration and palatability. Predation by Gallus gallus was highest upon 1st ínstar larvae, suggesting an increase of unpalatability throughout development. Learning avoidance tests with Gallus gallus demonstrated that few contacts with distasteful and warning colored prey could make the predator reject visually Methona themisto larvae. Chicks visually rejected palatable larvae painted in the same color pattem of Methona themisto larvae confirming their ability to associate taste and color. Only dichloromethanic extracts tested with chicks showed significant rejection in relation to controls. These results confirm that Methona themisto larvae are chemical defended against visually oriented vertebrate predators


brunfelsia uniflora aposematism defesa quimica chemical defense warning coloration (biology) methona themisto

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