Andaimes, casacas, tijolos e livros : uma associação de artifices no Recife, 1836-1880 / Scaffolds, dress-coats, bricks and books : an artists association in Recife, 1836-1880




In Brazil, the 1824 Constitution extinguished the artisans corporations. Despite the legal determination, many corporative uses survived in Recife during the eighteenth century. Values such as a well done work, honor, training, verification and intelligence continued to fill the imagination of the masters of arts of that city. In order to separate themselves from slavery and from the "mechanical defect", a group of black skin artisans created an association to help them to improve their art and mutual help. Besides covering daily needs, the new entity also wanted recognition for their talent and virtues. Adopting a "modernizing" speech, those specialized artisans transformed their association into an important political and pedagogical agent, get control over sectors of bilding market in Recife, important personal conquests and social mobility


professional liceu de artes e oficios (recife mutualism mutualismo ensino profissional education pe brazil)

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